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Statement from NYSYR Chair Peter Giunta on unconstitutionality of redistricting maps being upheld by the New York State Court of Appeals

By April 27, 2022Statements

The ruling made today by our state’s highest court, the New York State Court of Appeals, is a major victory in the fight for election integrity.  It deals a massive blow to Kathy Hochul and New York Democrats, who conspired with Nancy Pelosi to hijack the state’s redistricting process as they desperately attempt to hold onto their slim majority in Congress.

From the very beginning, we maintained that these maps amounted to nothing more than a blatant attempt by Democrats, under the guise of a constitutionally mandated process, to steal the next election.  What their legislative supermajority produced, and subsequently approved, were gerrymandered maps that clearly benefitted one party over another.

We are confident that Jonathan Cervas, whom the court has appointed Special Master to produce updated Congressional and State Senate district maps, will execute his duty fairly and without bias.  What remains unfortunate, however, is that it has even come to this.  It is a stark reminder of why we need to end one-party rule in New York.