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New York State Young Democrats: “The Lines Are Out! Thoughts?”; New York State Young Republicans Respond

By January 31, 2022Statements

Last night, the New York State Young Democrats took to social media to seek feedback about the proposed maps for New York’s 26 Congressional Districts.

The district maps, which have been heavily gerrymandered by Democrats in the State Legislature, came days after the state’s Independent Redistricting Commission, which had been tasked by voters in a 2014 referendum to redraw district maps free from partisan gerrymandering, failed to produce one final set of maps for lawmakers to approve.

“The lines are out! Thoughts?” was the question posed by the Young Democrats on their official Twitter account as a retweet of a tweet that displayed the proposed map of New York’s Congressional Districts.

The Young Democrats asked so the New York State Young Republicans responded: 

“In 2014, New Yorkers voted to create an Independent Redistricting Commission with the hope that it would ensure a fair, honest, and non-partisan redistricting process in 2022 — but instead, New York Democrats decided to subvert the will of the voters by hijacking the redistricting process in what can only be described as a shameful act of disservice,” said Peter Giunta, Chairman of the New York State Young Republicans, and NY-11 voter.   “There is nothing fair nor honest about what New York Democrats are doing.  It is clear that they are desperately trying to hold onto power in Albany and Washington by any means necessary.  In fact, since Democrat one-party rule has brought us record-high inflation, a spike in violent crime, and countless small business-crushing mandates, it’s no wonder they’ve decided to pull this stunt — because when Democrats can’t win, they cheat!”

“It’s clear that Democrats are doing damage control to make up for their failed policies from the top down as they try to hold onto their narrow majority in the midterms,” said Karina Wigger, Chair of the Orange County Young Republicans, and NY-18 voter.  “They must have little foresight, however, because all this will accomplish is Florida gaining another one of our Congressional seats.”

“New York Democrats have ignored the will of the people — but that shouldn’t surprise anyone.  For far too long, they’ve focused on the wants of only a few at the expense of the needs of many,” said Benji Federman, Chair of the Broome County Young Republicans, and NY-19 voter.  “No matter how desperately Democrats try and hold onto power, it is the Republican message of safety and opportunity that will resonate with New Yorkers this year and beyond.”

“What’s happening in New York is easily one of the most egregious cases of gerrymandering throughout the country,” said Gavin Wax, President of the New York Young Republican Club, and NY-12 voter.  “We tend to only hear about this practice when it happens in red states, but what’s happening in deep blue New York should concern everyone.  One-party rule will continue to drive out millions of New Yorkers for greener pastures elsewhere.  We need to challenge these lines in the courts and fight for fair and honest representation.”

“There’s no sugarcoating this — the maps released yesterday are horrendous.  It’s no surprise that Democrats are choosing to subvert fair redistricting and instead gerrymandering districts,” said DawnMarie Kuhn, Chair of the Suffolk County Young Republicans, and NY-2 voter.  “Just look at the congressional districts on Long Island, where one can easily see that these lines were drawn with one intention: to keep Democrats in control.  It is outrageous that a constituent in NY-3 would need to take a ferry or bridge across the Long Island Sound to meet with their representative.  I hope a judge tears up these maps so that we can have fair representation through the next decade.”

“These lines are a direct slap in the face to the millions of New Yorkers who, in both 2014 and 2020, overwhelmingly voted for an Independent Redistricting Commission precisely to avoid another decade of partisan lines that focus more on access to big donors and amenities than it does on our families and communities,” said Tom Grant, Chair of the Rensselaer County Young Republicans, and NY-19 voter.  “However, despite the Downstate and DC Democrats’ best efforts to draw lines to hamper Republican candidates, here in Rensselaer County our Republican Party remain ever confident that our message of small, effective, and honest government that focuses on public safety, infrastructure, and discal responsibility will help secure a victory for Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro in what is obviously a gerrymandered NY-19.”